Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pentecost 2: Two Themes in Isaiah

Our perusal of the predictions about the Holy Spirit in Isaiah has yielded two groupings of prophecies:

1. Predictions that a magnificent anointing with the Spirit would characterize Messiah’s person and ministry:
Isaiah 11.1-5
Isaiah 42.1-4
Isaiah 61.1-3
2. Predictions of an outpouring of the Spirit upon Israel as a nation that will bring spiritual and physical restoration, resulting in fruitfulness:
Isaiah 32.14-20
Isaiah 44.1-4
Isaiah 59.20,21
As we examined these texts, we concluded that none of these prophecies predicted a previously unknown manifestation or ministry of the Holy Spirit, but only that known ministries of the Spirit would be particularly manifest in the person of Messiah and that the redemptive work of the Spirit would one day be poured out in a universal and permanent way upon Israel. Other national leaders had demonstrated the charismatic anointing of the Spirit, but Messiah would manifest that anointing in greater measure. Individual Israelites had experienced the convicting and redemptive ministries of the Spirit, but in the future the nation as a whole would experience a redemptive outpouring.

We did see a connection with Pentecost in Isaiah 32 and 59, but Pentecost was not the ultimate fulfillment
(f Telos) of these prophecies of restoration! The context of Isaiah 32 is about the Millennial reign of Christ (v. 1) and the future restoration of Israel in view is that which will occur after Christ’s second coming. Nevertheless, on the day of Pentecost some 3,000 Israelites were ushered into a new experience of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Pentecost was a preliminary fulfillment (f 1) of part of Isaiah 32. Likewise, Isaiah 59 looks forward to the time when Israel as a nation will experience the anointing of the Spirit as a permanent possession, something that will not occur until after Christ’s second coming. But again, on Pentecost, 3,000 Israelites got a taste of this future reality! Pentecost also stands as a preliminary fulfillment (f 1) of part of Isaiah 59. Pentecost was the “already” part of the already/not-yet reality of Isaiah’s predictions of the outpouring of the Spirit on the Israelite nation.

Isn’t it exciting to realize that the Pentecost event was not the ultimate outpouring of the Spirit? That outpouring is yet to come!