Thursday, June 16, 2005

NT Predictions of the Spirit

John the Baptizer, depicted here in an illumination from a Greek Psalter, predicted that the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. How we interpret that prediction will radically affect our under- standing of terminology relating to the Spirit. It may also affect our practical approach to the baptism of the Spirit. I anticipate a lively discussion this Friday as we look at Matthew 3.11.

Last week, we looked at the NT predictions about the Spirit in connection with the births of both John and Jesus. The fact that John would be filled with the Spirit from birth (Luke 1.15) raised interesting questions about whether or not John had “free will.” Kaj made an interesting comparison to Samson who also had a prophetic calling from birth, but apparently had a tougher time accepting it. Also, the fact that the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and brought about the conception of Jesus, made it hard for us to say that Jesus wasn’t filled with the Spirit until His baptism. Was Jesus less Spirit- filled than John during His youth? But if Jesus was also filled with the Spirit from birth, what was the significance of the Spirit coming upon Him at His baptism?

I welcome your comments!


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