Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mohler on "The New Atheism"

In his book, Atheism Remix, R. Albert Mohler Jr. explains what distinguishes the “New Atheism”:
First, … an unprecedented new boldness. — p. 54

Second, there is a clear and specific rejection of the Christian God of the Bible [as opposed to combating a more philosophical idea of a supernatural being]. — p. 55

Third, the New Atheists explicitly reject Jesus Christ. Now this, too, is rather new, especially in its intensity. — p. 56

Fourth, the New Atheism is specifically grounded in scientific argument. — p. 58

Fifth, the New Atheism is new in its refusal to tolerate moderate and liberal forms of belief. … Unlike older forms of atheism, the New Atheists are not seeking to incite accommodationist forms of theistic belief. — p. 60

The sixth distinction … is the attack on toleration. … Sam Harris, more pointedly than the others, says the time has come to rid ourselves of religious toleration, for it is an experiment that has become too expensive. — p. 62

Seventh, the New Atheists have begun to question the right of parents to inculcate belief in their own children. — p. 62

Eighth and finally, the New Atheists argue that religion itself must be eliminated in order to preserve human freedom. — p. 63